
韓國正宗Juvelook喬雅露 為肌膚注入光

新一代膠原蛋白增生劑 自然 澎潤 自信閃耀每一刻





韓國銷售市佔第一名的膠原蛋白增生劑 – Juvelook喬雅露



Juvelook 50mg的微粒較小,適合淺層注射如真皮層,對於膚質紋理改善有極大的幫助,因此常被應用於疤痕、全臉水光等治療。此外針對皮膚較薄處的凹陷填補,如淚溝、頸紋等,也有不錯的效果。


▌聚雙旋乳酸PDLLA x 玻尿酸HA 完美結合


有別於過往其他組織增生劑,新一代膠原蛋白增生劑——Juvelook喬雅露使用複合式成分,使用專利噴灑技術,將聚雙旋乳酸(PDLLA, Poly-D, L-Latic acid)與非交聯玻尿酸(Non-Crosslinked HA)兩種成分結合,並藉由過篩、凍乾結晶後製成。



聚雙旋乳酸PDLLA」是聚乳酸(PLA, Polylactic Acid)的同分異構物,擁有高生物相容性的特點,同時PLA也是美國FDA公認核可的聚合物,因此許多人體相關植入物(如手術縫線、人工血管、手術網片)也都是使用PLA成分。




▌Juvelook喬雅露 作用原理

  • 物理性支撐:
  • 膠原蛋白新生:
  • 持續增生,安全持久:


▌Case sharing


▌Postoperative care

  1. The shape will be fixed for 24 hours after injection. Avoid contact with the injection area during this period.
  2. If there is any redness or swelling after the injection, apply ice to relieve the symptoms.
  3. Do not do strenuous exercise in the short time after surgery.
  4. Perform normal basic maintenance after surgery and do not massage the treatment area specifically.
  5. Please do not smoke or eat spicy foods such as chili peppers, alcohol, etc. for 7-10 days after the injection. Please maintain a normal daily routine and do not stay up late.
  6. Please do not go to high-temperature places, such as saunas, ovens, and steam rooms, within 2 weeks after surgery.
  7. If you receive hyaluronic acid lip augmentation, the postoperative swelling period will be longer. Some patients will experience slight swelling for up to a week.
  8. If you have any discomfort or other questions about the treatment area, please call our clinic 07-342-0177


▌Complete treatment process


"芳蜜" 軟組織注射植入物 衛部醫器輸字037021號

"Any surgery or treatment has medical risks. The information in the case in this article varies from person to person. Please conduct an evaluation and diagnosis in person with your doctor before proceeding with the treatment."
The archive photos published by our hospital are obtained with the consent of the parties concerned and are real cases of our hospital. They are used as auxiliary pictures for treatment instructions or health education materials. If you have a special medical history of pregnancy, plan to become pregnant during the course of treatment, have high blood pressure, a history of heart disease, severe diabetes, impaired liver and kidney function, abnormal immune system, etc., or are otherwise judged by your doctor to be unsuitable for this course of treatment, please inform your doctor first.