
Are you still DIYing your private parts hair removal?
It’s super easy to leave it to Athena, and you’ll get the skin of your white, bubbly breasts.

Are you removing your hair? What are the benefits of private area hair removal?

✅Reduce the chance of folliculitis
✅Wearing a bikini makes you feel more comfortable without leaking
✅Reduce odor production during menstrual period
✅Reduce the worry of fungal infection in private areas
✅Dry and comfortable during menstrual period

The reasons for hair removal now are the same as before

It's nothing more than too much hair, too long hair, folliculitis, reduced body odor, easier swimming, dull skin, too hot in summer, etc. If you DIY hair removal or have someone wax your hair, after a while it will come back again. It will grow back, and inflammation of the hair follicles caused by repeated hair plucking will actually cause pigmentation in the private parts, so more and more people go to medical aesthetic clinics and choose laser hair removal!

In terms of medical beauty, "laser hair removal" is the mainstream. The reason is

👉Long-lasting effect - effectively inhibits hair growth

👉Avoid epidermal damage and scars

👉The fastest hair removal effect-

👉The overall cost is lower

▌How many times does it take to remove hair?

There are usually three stages of hair growth:growth, catagen and telogen, and only when the hair follicle is in the growth phase, there will be hair and melanin in the hair root. Therefore, all hair removal methods including laser hair removal can only produce hair that is growing, in the growth phase, and visible. effect. Generally speaking, on average, about 20 to 30% of the hair is in the growth phase at the same time, which is why laser hair removal generally requires at least five to six treatments to completely remove hair.

▌I am very shy about hair removal in my private parts. How can I overcome this obstacle?

We have female doctors on Saturday, 33 doctors will listen to your needs
On weekdays, our professional team of doctors are under professional training.
In fact, you really don’t need to worry too much!

Generally speaking, for every micro-surgery and beauty treatment project, in addition to our beauty consultants understanding your needs, the doctor will personally see you and confirm the treatment project. During the treatment, in addition to you, there will be professional care by your side. A stylist or beautician will accompany you, so please rest assured! ! Leave it to Athena to remove hair from your private parts! ! Give you a piece of pure land👼


▌Hair Removal Q&A

Q1: What should I pay attention to before hair removal?

A1: Before laser hair removal, a dermatologist should be asked to conduct a reconnaissance evaluation before hair removal, including the vagina, labia, groin, and around the anus, whether there is inflammation of the hair follicles, inverted hair, contact dermatitis, candida infection, hirsutism, Insect bites, pubic lice infection or other potential causes, then hair removal.

Before laser hair removal, please remove the hair from your private parts 1 to 2 days before, leaving less than 0.5 cm of hair. Since the laser machine is based on melanin, it cannot be completely removed. Blackheads must remain for the machine to detect hair removal. 20-30 minutes before hair removal, anesthetic will be applied and the anesthetic will be removed before the hair removal. During the hair removal, the beautician will help you apply gel to reduce the discomfort caused by friction during the hair removal process. sensation, making the hair removal process gentler.


Q2: Under what circumstances is hair removal not recommended? What symptoms should I pay attention to after hair removal?

A2: People with folliculitis, inverted hair, hirsutism or other potential causes are not recommended to remove their hair on their own because the skin near the pubic area is relatively sensitive. Most patients who seek medical care for accidental hair loss are due to shaving or plucking. , the side effects caused by beeswax hair removal.

The skin area that has just grown out of hair will be red and stinging for about 1 to 2 days. You can apply ice to relieve the discomfort and enhance moisturizing. If there is bleeding, you need to apply antibiotic ointment.

Q3: If VIO hair is completely removed, will it affect sexual behavior?

A3: You can ask Dr. Athena to perform partial hair removal or complete hair removal according to your personal needs. There will be some friction during intercourse after hair removal, and you may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but most people will feel dryer after hair removal. Comfortable and reduces odor production.