曼陀MemoryGel Xtra(俗稱女王波)

To be launched in Taiwan in 2022Mandala MemoryGel Xtra (commonly known as Queen Wave)

It not only has a round and full body shape, but also retains the softness and elasticity of the implant. It has been favored by many beauty-loving women since its launch.


▌Queen Wave Characteristics

(The real cases of our hospital are used as auxiliary pictures for treatment instructions or health education materials. )

Queen Wave relies on AI precise filling technology and a thin outer membrane.

Let each implant be full of firm stability while maintaining natural softness.

As can be seen from the picture below, the edges of Queen Wave are higher and more rounded than those of other brands. The same is true when inverted, which means it has better resistance to deformation and compression, and at the same time has better support for the internal space and strengthens the implant. Post-entry stability.

The outer membrane of Queen Wave adopts the most advanced implant technology in the United States.
The outer membrane is strong and has passed various pressure tests, giving consumers a more secure choice.

▌Queen Wave Outer Film Process Analysis

▌Queen wave comparison chart

▌Queen Wave Frequently Asked Questions

▌Our hospital’s case sharing

(The real cases of our hospital are used as auxiliary pictures for treatment instructions or health education materials. )


▌Postoperative care

  1. Please be patient after surgery and return to the clinic on time to avoid half the effort with half the effort. After surgery, the chest is fixed with an elastic bandage or a chest strap for about 1 week, and the wound is fixed with cosmetic glue or gauze.
  2. 2 to 3 days after the operation, due to the tight bandage on the chest, you can use pillows and sleep in a semi-sitting position to reduce physical exertion or pain.
  3. It is recommended to clean the body with a sponge bath for the first 3 days after surgery, and only shower after 3 days. Please cover the wound with waterproof 3M tape when bathing to prevent moisture infection of the wound. If you have any abnormal pain, redness or swelling that persists, or abnormal discharge from the wound, please return for examination as soon as possible.
  4. After the sutures are removed, scar removal gel and cosmetic gel can be used immediately to take care of the patient for 3 to 6 months to reduce scarring.
  5. Within a week, avoid raising hands, collisions, holding children, lifting heavy objects, swimming, saunas, hot springs, SPA, etc., and avoid sprinting impacts such as medium and strong force or scissors. Sexual life can be resumed about half a month after the operation. .
  6. Prophylactic antibiotics and analgesics will be given after surgery, please take them on time
  7. Temporarily prohibit irritating foods such as cigarettes, alcohol, chili peppers, coffee, tea, and seafood foods such as crabs, shrimps, etc. for two months, which will hinder the ability of wound recovery.
  8. When it comes to wearing bras, the doctor will tell you based on the patient's condition. In principle, you should not wear bras with wires within 6 months. For the convenience of going out, you can temporarily wear bras with bras, bra stickers, or soft wires without wires.
  9. The downy side needs to be massaged according to the doctor’s instructions
  10. If the wound continues to bleed, is abnormally red, swollen, hot, painful, or has yellow-green discharge, please contact the clinic as soon as possible.
  11. If you have any discomfort or other questions about the treatment area, please call our clinic: 07-342-0177
"Any surgery or treatment has medical risks. The information in the case in this article varies from person to person. Please conduct an evaluation and diagnosis in person with your doctor before proceeding with the treatment."
The archive photos published by our hospital are obtained with the consent of the parties concerned and are real cases of our hospital. They are used as auxiliary pictures for treatment instructions or health education materials. If you have a special medical history of pregnancy, plan to become pregnant during the course of treatment, have high blood pressure, a history of heart disease, severe diabetes, impaired liver and kidney function, abnormal immune system, etc., or are otherwise judged by your doctor to be unsuitable for this course of treatment, please inform your doctor first.