"Doctor~ My belly is covered with stretch marks, my belly is fat and my skin is sagging... What should I do?"

Say goodbye to the bag belly and regain the body of a girl

In recent years, more and more customers have come to consult for tummy tuck.

Various strange spells and sayings often make guests confused. What exactly is the abdominal facelift that has become so popular in Europe and the United States in recent years?

Since 1899, many doctors have tried to use tummy tucks to address sagging abdominal fat in obese patients because they found that liposuction could not remove the loose skin. By 1980, more than 20 surgical methods had been proposed, which means two things:

  • In order to solve a variety of different problems, tummy tucks have various incision designs, which means that this surgery has various indications.
  • So many surgical procedures actually mean that abdominoplasty encountered many bottlenecks (complications) in the early stages of development, and therefore many doctors have been working hard to make breakthroughs.

This bottleneck remained until Matarasso proposed the abdominal wall vascular structure in 1988, which led to further breakthroughs. It was not until 2001 that Saldanha combined liposuction and abdominal lift to establish the current stable standard of liposuction and abdominal lift.

Currently, the abdominal facelift technology we use is based on Dr. Saldanha’s “liposuction-based abdominal facelift” and coupled with the consensus of the “2017 San Diego Breast and Body Sculpting Forum”, it transforms the abdominal facelift from a mere cosmetic surgery. Remove excess skin, combine it with liposuction to sculpt the waist, and further add waistline sculpting to become a "body sculpting abdominal facelift".

At the same time, we adopt the classification method proposed by Bozola in 2010,

Adapt abdominal lift to patients,Divided into five ethnic groups:

  1. Fatty type without fat:Focus on VASER body sculpting to avoid surgical scars and reshape sexy and beautiful curves.
  2. Slight skin tag below the belly button:Mainly liposuction + mini body sculpting and tummy tuck to reduce scars.
  3. Obvious skin tags below the belly button:Use liposuction + mini body sculpting and abdominal pulling + external oblique fascia tightening on both sides.
  4. Obvious skin tag type on the entire abdomen:Modified Saldanha tummy tuck (including liposuction, rectus abdominis fascia compression) + navel piloplasty.
  5. Obvious skin tags all over the abdomen and drooping navel:Modified Saldanha tummy tuck (including liposuction, rectus abdominis fascia compression) + external oblique fascia compression on both sides + navel piloplasty.

This kind of abdominal plastic surgery can be combined with breast augmentation and Brazilian butt surgery at the same time to achieve the overall body shaping effect at one time. This is what is currently popular in Europe and the United States.Mommy Makeover.

Regarding post-operative care, except for Type 4 and Type 5, which require maintaining a shrimp-like protective posture for one week after surgery, generally mini abdominal pull-ups can be upright immediately after surgery. Generally, scars will gradually fade to white over time, so the scars will be far less obvious than stretch marks and obesity marks that cover the entire belly. You can definitely wear your bikini again!


Who is suitable for a tummy tuck:

  1. Those who have excessive abdominal obesity and poor skin elasticity and want to have liposuction but are worried about obvious skin tags.
  2. Postpartum belly sagging and spreadingpregnancyPattern.
  3. After childbirth, the fascia relaxes until the lower abdomen protrudes or the waist curve disappears.
  4. After losing weight, the skin on my abdomen became severely sagging and caused obesity lines.
  5. Excessive liposuction on the abdomen left the skin surface severely uneven after surgery.


Why choose liposuction tummy tuck:

  1. Although simple liposuction can reduce fat, it is not effective for sagging belly. Instead, it will cause sagging skin and form wrinkles, which cannot be solved.pregnancytattoo problem.
  2. Postpartum abdominal fascia is loose and bulging, which cannot be improved by simple liposuction.
  3. The red and white radial lines on the skin surface cannot be improved by simple liposuction.

Therefore, we recommend that a flabby abdomen requires professional abdominoplasty to re-tighten the flabby abdominal wall fascia and appropriately remove excess sagging skin to make the abdomen firmer and flatter, reduce stretch marks or obesity marks, and restore gracefulness. Body and fair belly.


Features of our “liposuction tummy tuck”:

  1. Liposuction abdominal traction is used instead of traditional abdominal traction to preserve the main blood vessels and lymphatic vessels of the abdominal wall, reduce bleeding and postoperative seroma, and reduce complications.
  2. The second-generation VASER causes less damage to fat tissue, is less likely to cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, has the least impact on wound healing, and is the least painful.
  3. The upper abdomen, waist and saddle area can be combined with VASER liposuction, so you can simultaneously sculpt your figure and even your sexy vest line to create a perfect figure.
  4. Blue diamond fishbone suture and special wound healing agent are also used. The wound does not need to be changed after surgery. You can take a shower on the same day, which is refreshing and easy to take care of.


Precautions before liposuction tummy tuck surgery:

  1. Smokers, people with diabetes, abnormal coagulation function, cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney disease, and those with swollen feet are not suitable for surgery.
  2. Patients who have undergone major surgeries on the upper abdomen (such as traditional large-incision liver and stomach surgeries, etc.) are not suitable for this surgery.
  3. Severely obese patients are recommended to undergo weight loss treatment before surgery.
  4. Two weeks before surgery, avoid drinking alcohol and taking blood-activating foods and drugs (such as ginkgo, Chinese medicine, vitamin E, etc.).
  5. You must fast for 8 hours before surgery under general anesthesia.


Precautions for postoperative care after liposuction tummy tuck:

  1. A girdle must be used immediately after surgery to apply pressure to avoid hematoma. After one week, you can switch to body-shaping clothes. The body-shaping clothes must be worn 24 hours a day. You will no longer need to wear the body-shaping clothes in about one to two months.
  2. A drainage tube will be placed to drain the bleeding after the operation and will be removed about 7 days later.
  3. It is recommended to rest in bed for 3 days, and you can resume normal indoor work in about a week. Heavy work and strenuous exercise should be postponed until two months after surgery.
  4. Postoperative medications and follow-up visits must be taken as directed by the doctor.
  5. If you find abnormal pain, bleeding or swelling after surgery, please contact the clinic immediately.
  6. No dressing changes are required for the wound after surgery.
  7. The sutures are removed approximately 2 weeks after the operation, and the recovery period is approximately one month.
  8. Scar removal gel or silicone sheet can be used starting from 3 days after the sutures are removed from the postoperative wound. After three weeks, massage according to the doctor's instruction can be started and continued for 3 months to avoid hypertrophy and hyperplasia of scar tissue.
  9. Avoid strenuous exercise within one month after surgery, eat a balanced diet, and have a normal routine to facilitate wound repair. 
"Any surgery or treatment has medical risks. The information in the case in this article varies from person to person. Please conduct an evaluation and diagnosis in person with your doctor before proceeding with the treatment."
The archive photos published by our hospital are obtained with the consent of the parties concerned and are real cases of our hospital. They are used as auxiliary pictures for treatment instructions or health education materials. If you have a special medical history of pregnancy, plan to become pregnant during the course of treatment, have high blood pressure, a history of heart disease, severe diabetes, impaired liver and kidney function, abnormal immune system, etc., or are otherwise judged by your doctor to be unsuitable for this course of treatment, please inform your doctor first.