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Perfectly reflected in many actual cases
Athena helps you regain your confidence

Athena's most popular treatments are revealed, revealing the secrets of the goddess Athena. Come and see how they all become more beautiful and more confident!

劉志信 院長

Dean Liu Zhixin

Medical Team


Dr. Yang Jingxiang

Medical Team


Dr. Wang Yingming

Medical Team

江慶祥 醫師

Dr. Jiang Qingxiang

Medical Team

Dr. Wang Qiyu

Medical Team

林語堂 醫師

Dr. Lin Yutang

Medical Team

方百涵 醫師

Dr. Fang Baihan

Medical Team

陳文珊 醫師

Dr. Chen Wenshan

Medical Team

張慈恩 醫師

Dr. Zhang Ci'en

Medical Team

Dr. Ye Aiyun

Medical Team

Liu Zhixin


CEO of Kaohsiung Wing Tsung Aesthetic Medicine Center
Director of Plastic Surgery Ward at E-Da University
Clinical Research Physician, Taoyuan Chang Gung Memorial Craniofacial Center
Cosmetic surgeon at Clinica Fundadores, Armenia, Quindio, Colombia

Yang Jingxiang


Director of Yongkangweig Plastic Surgery
Chief Physician at Aurora Aesthetic Clinic
Anmei International Medical Expert Consultant
Attending Physician, Plastic Surgery, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Attending physician at the Beauty Center of Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Wang Yingming


Anesthesia resident, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Chief Anesthesiologist, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Attending anesthesiologist, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Clinical Assistant Professor, National Defense Medical University
Outstanding Physician in Clinical Teaching of Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital

Jiang Qingxiang


Bachelor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Private Kaohsiung Medical University
Master of Advanced Management, National Cheng Kung University
Passed the Civil Service College Entrance Examination

Wang Qiyu


Attending Physician, Plastic Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital
Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital craniofacial surgery training
Korean rhinoplasty and craniofacial surgery training
Plastic surgeon, National Military Kaohsiung General Hospital

Lin Yutang


Former Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Kaohsiung Medical University
Specialist, Taiwan Dental Implant Association
Fellow of the Oral Implant Society of the Republic of China
Director of Athens Dental Clinic

Chen Wenshan


Chief Physician, Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Dermatologist, Republic of China

Fang Baihan


Chief Physician, National Taiwan University Hospital
Attending physician at Kaohsiung Wujia Weige Clinic
Weig's attending physician
Former Vice President of Shanghe Clinic
Attending physician at Wenshan Aesthetic Clinic
Attending Physician at Lepoya Aesthetic Clinic

Zhang Ci'en


Specialist Physician at National Taiwan University Hospital
Specialist Physician at Lixin Hospital
Attending physician at Huang Huiguang Dermatology Department

Ye Aiyun


Family Medicine Attending Physician
Member of the Aesthetic Medicine Association of the Republic of China
Member of the Society of Medical Laser Optoelectronics