【Athena's Little Classroom】Natal pattern

Latest News,Face

First understand what kind of nasolabial folds you have

Prescribe the right medicine and say goodbye to your aunt. In fact, you can be 10 years younger?

face lift,How many ways are there?

From plastic surgery, micro-surgery, laser to beauty therapy, Athena has all-round customized methods for you to become more beautiful.

Depending on the type and cause, there will be different maintenance and treatment methods.

You can also hold a mirror and check which type you belong to!

The longest and most obvious lines on the face - nasolabial folds

Three major types of nasolabial folds

typefeatureRecommended course of treatment
concave typeDue to the innate skeleton, when the apple muscles are pushed upward, the nasolabial folds will not disappear.Nasal fold augmentation surgery, autologous fat filling surgery, hyaluronic acid, lotus silk
Muscular typeMore obvious when making facial expressionsNasal fold augmentation surgery, Botox
Aging sagging typeWhen the apple muscles are pushed upward, nasolabial folds disappearFace lift surgery, middle and lower face thread burying, electroacoustic double wave

▌Concave type

Observe your face shape carefully,Facial shape is closely related to bones, sunken type is often caused by high cheekbones or protruding upper jaw (for example, when the teeth are protruding and need to be corrected). Under congenital conditions, the bones themselves are prone to form a depressed nasolabial groove, so it is called a depressed nasolabial fold.

In Athena, it is divided into surgical and non-surgical improvements. Surgery is divided into:nasolabial fold augmentation surgeryandAutologous fat replacement, non-surgical methods are mostly usedHyaluronic AcidOrEllanceInjection method, and the editor has seen that the effect of Athena's use of linseed silk is more natural.

▌Muscular type

In addition to the formation of bones on the face, the face is made up of many muscles that interact to produce various expressions. Because of the mutual pulling, the nasolabial folds will become deeper and deeper, but the difference from the sunken type is that ,Muscular type actually has a deep relationship with habits!

For example: allergies, frequent sniffing, winking, laughing often, talking frequently, habitually pursed lips... These habits can also cause the formation of nasolabial folds!

Improvement methods are also divided into surgical and non-surgical. Surgery is the samenasolabial fold augmentation surgery, instead of surgery, Botox can be used, but frankly it is not recommended because the effect is not significant.

▌Aging and sagging type

As we grow older, after the age of 25, the facial features on our facesGradual loss of collagen, the face loses support and the muscles relax, causing the entire cheek flesh to sag. Nasolabial folds also appear one by one, changing from dynamic lines to static lines. Aging and sagging nasolabial folds are thus produced!

Recommended treatments include surgeryFascial layer face lift, that is, mid- and lower face lifts, and lightweight surgeries includeThread Lift, with a quick recovery period and no need for surgeryElectronic music double waveIt can also be regarded as the first choice to resist aging and sagging!

And when it comes to Athena’s facelift surgery
We divide the face into two areas to illustrate, divided into the upper face (Five-claw eyebrow lift) and surgical procedures for the middle and lower face

You can get a preliminary understanding of your problem by looking at the indications in the picture below.

The actual situation still needs to be diagnosed, evaluated and communicated by the doctor in person. The treatment effect will vary depending on the individual and postoperative care. Any questions regarding the indications, contraindications, side effects, etc. of any treatment course shall be subject to the physician's consultation instructions on a case-by-case basis.